GOAL: For Brave Girls to open the door to their hearts and allow Jesus access to heal, restore, and mend the broken pieces and heartache they have endured. As they look at the hole in their heart they have tried to fill with everything in this world to satisfy and tried to do things their own way, they begin to realize that God can rescue them and that He is for them.



GOAL: For Brave Girls to open the door to their heart and allow Jesus access to heal, restore, and mend the broken pieces and heartache they have endured. As they look at the hole in their heart they have tried to fill with everything in this world to satisfy, and tried to do things their own way, they begin to realize that God can rescue them and that He is for them.

• You might still have a few new Brave Girls that would like to join this week! Make sure to introduce them during class! After class, you can also go over any info that they missed during the first class.

• Don't forget to assign any new Brave Girls to a leader so that they can check on them during the week.

• They may still be nervous on week 2 - that's totally normal. Make sure to keep it light and fun!

• In case anyone forgets their Study Guide, it's a good idea to Have printouts of the week's Lesson Activation so they can be done together during class.

Supplies: Keys

Keys: Have Salvation Keys on hand for those wanting to take one as a symbol of their decision to let Jesus have the key to their heart.

This week is about salvation and letting them know that Jesus is standing at the door of their hearts waiting for him to invite them in. They may still be guarded but we want to immediately introduce them to Jesus and share all about his plans for them and how he wants them to come to Him.

Talk with each leader before class to see who is most comfortable with leading the group through the salvation prayer so the atmosphere feels safe and natural. You can use the Salvation video and let the girls know that if they have questions after class they can come to you privately.