GOAL: For Brave Girls and leaders to make connections and get to know each other. This is an opportunity for you to share what you have walked through and speak from experience how God redeemed and restored your life. Your story will encourage and inspire everyone in your group as they hear the struggles and circumstances you have faced and overcome.



GOAL: For Brave Girls and leaders to make connections and get to know each other. This is an opportunity for you to share what you have walked through and speak from experience how God redeemed and restored your life. Your story will encourage and inspire everyone in your group as they hear the struggles and circumstances you have faced and overcome.

• Make sure to send reminders to your girls before class! You can pump them up with information about getting to connect with other moms, having snacks or dinner, gently used baby donations, and of course the FREE baby shower with tons of new gifts!

• Decorate the room, make it fun! Grab some old party decorations, things from around your house, or even buy new items - but this helps the moms feel intentionally welcomed and celebrated.

• Set out gently used baby donations for the Brave Girls to look through each week.

• Get to know each other! Make it personal but keep it fun & light - you can have everyone go around and share a little about themselves or play a get to know you game.

• Hand out the Study Guides to all your Brave Girls and don't forget to make sure they fill out the Acknowledgement form: egrace.co/egbravegirl

• Share any important announcements, details, and exciting events about the 12-week group. It's always fun having something to look forward to!

• Talk about the homework for each week - to make it fun, you can even offer a drawing or prize basket if they complete their homework!

• It often helps to assign each Brave Girl to a leader so that they can check on them during the week. They feel seen & loved when you do this! It's so amazing getting to watch how they open up when they feel valued.

• Start a group text with all leaders and blooms. This can be a fun way to encourage community even when you're outside of the group!

Supplies: Balloons, pens/paper

Balloon Release: You can bring pink and blue balloons or other options such as bubbles, writing notes, creating pinwheels... Have them write a note or prayer to God about their babies and release their worries/thoughts/expectations.

For some of these young women, it could be the first time they stepped into church and others may have church wounds. Many may have thought about turning their car around and not coming.

Keep it light, let them know there are no expectations other than they show up. You can encourage the Brave Girls to share about themselves. Then have the leaders share their stories to help connect with the Brave Girls and feel more comfortable.

These Brave Girls may be expecting stiff, perfect Christian Women- when they hear the real and raw stories of the leaders, they begin to realize these women are just like them and it gives them hope for themselves when they see these women have made it through the difficult times!

Be you. Remember that you are called and God equips you, you are ministering to their hearts simply by being you and being there.